Socially Responsible Investment: Tony Davis Visits Our Finance Club

Students Glean Expert Wisdom on 可持续性 and Socially Responsible Investment 

Tony Davis of 固有的组 Visits the Rumsey Hall Finance Club

The Rumsey Hall Finance Club connects students who are interested in the world of money with experts in the field. 学生们每周聚在一起学习投资, 关注股市, and develop an understanding of the world of money from former Wall Street trader and 历史 Teacher Eric Scheidt, 副校长布鲁克·吉斯, 以及体育总监杰伊·普里兹戈基. 

财经社欢迎 Tony Davis,固有集团首席执行官兼首席信息官, for a virtual discussion on his endeavors in 社会ly responsible investing. 固有的组, an investment management firm focused on the equity and credit markets, 使用环境, 社会, and governance (ESG) factors to source and underwrite investments. 戴维斯的来访鼓舞了俱乐部的参加者, reinforcing Rumsey’s efforts to teach sustainable living and promote action to make a change for the betterment of society and the environment. 

Davis began the session by explaining that the GDP per capita of the world has risen exponentially in the last century. While modern capitalism has benefited humanity with longer lifespans, 改善受教育机会, 减少有节制的暴力, 这让地球付出了代价. Davis displayed a chart illustrating the skyrocketing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over the last century, 导致清洁水的减少, 生物多样性的丧失, and other significant indicators of environmental degradation. Overall, the increase of wealth produces externalities that negatively impact people and the planet. 

Next, Davis explained how the UN Sustainable Development Goals are a strategic plan for the planet. He further expanded on 固有的组’s drive to embrace these goals in their investing activities. 在过去, it’s been the sole responsibility of governments to step in and regulate sustainable action; however, the results of government regulation alone take too long and are not sufficient. 

That’s where the role of businesses and individuals comes in. Davis explained,“We need governments, but governments are moving too slowly in many cases. As a result, we need businesses to help us address these challenges. 最后, it’s incumbent upon us to try to make the most sustainable choices that we can as we live our lives.”

Davis went on to describe how 固有的组 is living out their mission to support the Sustainable Development Goals by investing in ideas and companies that address the goals. Some of the initiatives that Inherent has invested in are: solid state lithium ion batteries (used in electric vehicles); energy-efficiency projects; green hydrogen (used for energy storage and transportation); sustainable farming; plant-based proteins; online education technology; and a span of different companies that are uniquely addressing the goals through their own products and services. 

Students then asked Davis to expound on why it’s advantageous for businesses and individuals to engage in sustainable money decisions. Brian Yun '22 asked what the incentives were for young people like him to make 社会ly responsible investments. “不管你有多渺小,戴维斯说, “it’s important to try to do your part with your personal decisions as a consumer and how you live. 如果你把石头扔到池塘中央, you don’t know where the ripples are ultimately going to go and how they’re going to affect the world. Don’t underestimate the power of one individual to change the course of history.”  

把它带到正规博彩平台生的个人层面, Gunther Scheidt ’25 asked Davis for advice for sixth graders to better understand ESG to be ready to invest in the future. “继续进行这样的对话,”戴维斯指导道. “要注意并尽可能多地阅读这个主题. Reflect on what you can do in your own life and in your own activities to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.你到了这个年纪了,你需要一个好的, well-rounded education—both in STEM and the humanities—having that combination of studies will allow you to choose whatever path you want to take later in life, 包括投资.”

丹·拉夫金12年,20年,24年,唐纳森的联合创始人,拉夫金 & Jenrette (DLJ)出席了戴维斯的金融俱乐部. Lufkin shared gems of wisdom from his wildly successful career on Wall Street and the Department of Environmental Protection with the Finance Club earlier in the year. Lufkin, 谁在1970年地球日的创立中发挥了重要作用, has a keen interest in the future of sustainability in businesses. 

Lufkin commended Davis on setting an example for future generations and asked him what could be done to accelerate the process. Davis responded by saying, “On the government side, we need big action. We need to push politicians to price externalities we know are bad for us, like carbon emissions. 我们需要明智的监管. Consumers and employees can take action to affect the way businesses operate. 我们需要整个行业行动起来.”

The Rumsey Hall Finance Club will continue to explore how to be better citizens through their knowledge of 社会ly responsible investing and the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Watch the recording of Tony Davis’s visit to the Rumsey Hall Finance Club.